Have you ever found it challenging to stick to your keto diet when dining out? Trust me, you’re not alone! Going keto can be quite a commitment, but maintaining it outside the comfort of your own kitchen can often be even more daunting. But fear not, because in this article, we have got you covered with the ultimate guide to eating keto when dining out.

When you’re trying to follow a keto diet, it can feel like your options are severely limited when eating out. However, with a little knowledge and planning, you’ll be surprised at how many delicious and keto-friendly options are available to you. In this guide, we’ll discuss some key tips and tricks to help you make informed choices when dining out while staying true to your keto lifestyle. From understanding menu descriptions to making modifications and substitutions, you’ll learn everything you need to know to confidently order keto-friendly meals at restaurants. So, let’s dive in and embark on this keto dining adventure together!

The Ultimate Guide to Eating Keto When Dining Out

The Ultimate Guide to Eating Keto When Dining Out

Understanding the Keto Diet

Before we dive into the world of dining out on a keto diet, let’s quickly touch upon the basics. The keto diet, short for ketogenic diet, is a low-carb, high-fat eating plan that has been praised for its weight loss and health benefits. It focuses on reducing carbohydrates and increasing the consumption of fats and proteins.

How does the Keto Diet Work?

The primary goal of the keto diet is to put your body into a state of ketosis. Ketosis is a metabolic process in which your body starts using stored fats as its primary source of energy, instead of carbohydrates. By limiting your carb intake, you force your body to burn fat, resulting in weight loss.

Benefits of Following a Keto Diet

Apart from weight loss, the keto diet offers numerous health benefits. It can help stabilize blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol levels, and improve mental clarity and focus. Many people also report increased energy levels and decreased hunger while following a keto diet.

Challenges of Dining Out on Keto

While the keto diet can be easily followed at home with careful meal planning and ingredient selection, dining out poses its own set of challenges. From limited food options to hidden carbs in restaurant meals, here are some common obstacles you may encounter:

Limited Food Options

When dining out, especially at fast-food chains or restaurants that heavily rely on carbohydrates, finding keto-friendly options can be challenging. Many dishes incorporate bread, pasta, and other high-carb ingredients that are a no-go for keto.

Hidden Carbs in Restaurant Meals

Even seemingly healthy dishes may contain hidden carbs that can throw off your keto diet. Salad dressings, marinades, and sauces often have added sugars or high-carb thickeners, making them unsuitable for keto.

Dealing with Social Pressure

Eating out with friends or family who are not following a keto diet can make you feel self-conscious or pressured to deviate from your eating plan. It’s important to find a balance between sticking to your dietary restrictions and enjoying social occasions.

Preparation before Going Out

To ensure a successful keto dining experience, a little preparation goes a long way. Here are some steps you can take before heading out:

Researching Keto-Friendly Restaurants

One of the best ways to make dining out on keto easier is by researching keto-friendly restaurants in your area. Look for places that offer low-carb options or have menus specifically designed for dietary restrictions, such as gluten-free or paleo.

Checking Menu Options in Advance

If you have a specific restaurant in mind, take a look at their menu online before you visit. This will give you the opportunity to review their offerings and identify keto-friendly options ahead of time.

Planning Your Meals for the Day

If you know you’ll be dining out later in the day, plan your other meals accordingly. Keeping your carb intake low throughout the day can give you some flexibility when it comes to indulging during your restaurant meal.

Navigating the Menu

Once you arrive at the restaurant, navigating the menu can feel overwhelming. Here’s how you can make informed choices:

Choosing Protein-Rich Dishes

Protein is a key component of the keto diet, so opt for dishes that feature lean meats, fish, or poultry. Grilled chicken, salmon, or steak are excellent choices that will keep you satisfied while staying within your carb limits.

Opting for Low-Carb Vegetables

Vegetables are an essential part of any healthy diet, including keto. Look for salads, steamed or roasted vegetables, and side dishes that feature low-carb options like broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, or zucchini.

Avoiding Hidden Carbs and Sugars

Be mindful of ingredients that may contain hidden carbs or sugars. Stay away from dishes with breading, thick sauces, or sweet glazes. Instead, opt for dishes that are grilled, roasted, or sautéed with minimal sauces or seasonings.

The Ultimate Guide to Eating Keto When Dining Out

Substituting Ingredients

Don’t be afraid to ask for substitutions to make a dish more keto-friendly. Here are some common swaps you can request:

Requesting Substitutions for High-Carb Ingredients

Ask for your dish without the high-carb components, such as bread, potatoes, or rice. Most restaurants are willing to accommodate dietary requests and will replace these items with extra vegetables or a side salad.

Finding Alternatives for Bread, Pasta, and Grains

If you’re craving a burger or sandwich, ask for a lettuce wrap instead of a bun. For pasta dishes, request zucchini noodles or ask if they can substitute the pasta with vegetables.

Customizing Sauces and Dressings

Many sauces and dressings contain added sugars or thickeners that are not suitable for keto. Request your sauce or dressing to be served on the side so you can control the amount you consume or ask for an alternative like olive oil and vinegar.

Communicating with the Staff

Communication with the restaurant staff is crucial to ensure your ketogenic needs are met. Here’s how you can effectively communicate your dietary restrictions:

Being Clear about Your Dietary Restrictions

When ordering, clearly communicate that you are following a keto diet and would like to avoid high-carb ingredients. This will help the staff understand your needs and accommodate your request.

Asking Questions about Food Preparation

Feel free to ask questions about how the food is prepared. Ask if sauces or dishes contain added sugars or if certain dishes can be modified to meet your dietary requirements.

Requesting Special Cooking Methods

You can also request specific cooking methods to suit your needs. For example, ask for grilled or baked options instead of fried. Most restaurants are willing to accommodate these requests.

Meal Suggestions for Different Cuisines

Now that you know how to navigate a restaurant menu while dining out on keto, let’s explore some meal suggestions for different cuisines:

Italian Cuisine

Opt for dishes like chicken piccata with a side salad, grilled seafood with vegetables, or eggplant Parmesan without the bread crumbs. Just make sure to skip the pasta and bread basket.

Mexican Cuisine

Choose fajitas with extra meat and vegetables, grilled chicken or steak with guacamole and salsa, or a taco salad without the tortilla. Be cautious of sauces and ask for them to be served on the side.

Asian Cuisine

Order stir-fry dishes with meat and low-carb vegetables, steamed fish or shrimp with broccoli, or sushi rolls wrapped in cucumber instead of rice. Avoid dishes with sweet or sticky sauces.

American Cuisine

Go for grilled chicken or fish with a side of steamed vegetables, bacon cheeseburger without the bun, or a Cobb salad with extra avocado and grilled chicken. Avoid breaded or fried dishes.


Remember, many cuisines offer keto-friendly options; it’s all about making the right choices. Look for dishes that prioritize protein and vegetables while avoiding high-carb components or sauces.

Managing Alcohol Consumption

If you enjoy a drink while dining out, here are some tips for managing alcohol consumption on a keto diet:

Choosing Low-Carb Alcoholic Beverages

Stick to spirits like vodka, tequila, or rum, which are lower in carbohydrates compared to beer or sugary cocktails. Mix them with soda water or sugar-free mixers to keep your carb intake in check.

Avoiding Sugary Mixers

Be cautious with mixers, as they can be loaded with sugar. Opt for sugar-free options like diet soda, sparkling water, or fresh lemon and lime juice to add flavor to your drink without the added carbs.

Drinking in Moderation

Alcohol can hinder weight loss and potentially kick you out of ketosis if consumed excessively. Enjoy your drink in moderation and remember to hydrate by drinking plenty of water alongside your alcoholic beverage.

Dealing with Social Situations

Maintaining your keto diet in social situations can sometimes be challenging, but it’s absolutely possible. Here are some tips on how to handle dining out with friends or attending social gatherings:

Explaining Your Eating Choices to Others

Be open and honest about your dietary choices when dining with others. Explain that you are following a keto diet for health reasons or weight loss goals. Most people will understand and support your decision.

Suggesting Keto-Friendly Restaurants for Group Outings

When planning group outings, suggest keto-friendly restaurants that offer options for everyone. That way, you can enjoy your meal while ensuring there are suitable choices for others as well.

Bringing Keto-Friendly Snacks to Social Gatherings

If you’re attending a social gathering where keto-friendly options might be limited, consider bringing your own keto-friendly snacks. This way, you have something to munch on while still staying on track with your diet.


Successfully following a keto diet while dining out is all about planning, communication, and making smart choices. With a bit of research, menu navigation, ingredient substitutions, and effective communication with staff, you can enjoy a keto-friendly meal at various restaurants. Remember to be mindful of hidden carbs, make healthy choices, and enjoy your social life while keeping your ketogenic lifestyle intact.